Security protection image

Cyber security is a growing and evolving risk in the school environment. Protection of confidential information, including student and employee data, is extremely important especially with the increasing number of people working from home.

NBSIA can provide information and resources to help keep you and your data safe, as well as knowing what to do in response to a security breach. Below is a list of current resources and information, but with our ever-changing landscape, we urge our members to contact Brandon Schlenker or Stephanie Carmona for more information at or by phone at (707) 428-1830.

Free Training & Webinars

Beazley Breach Solutions provides free cyber security, assessment, breach response and training resources to NBSIA Property & Liability Members. Please contact NBSIA to register for an activation code.

The National Cyber Security Alliance is offering FREE webinars to help businesses adapt to the new paradigm of working from home. Topics include how to keep your online data secure and avoid the most common phishing scams, as well as providing some great information and resources for working at home.

Check out these great resources on cyber security practices.

Resources for Working and Learning from Home

For additional resources on cyber security and working from home safety precautions, please visit the National Cyber Security Alliance COVID-19 Resource Library. This library features a wealth of free and updated information on current scams, cyber threats, remote working and much more.

To File a Claim

If you have cyber coverage through NBSIA and you have experienced a security breach due to a loss or theft of information or equipment, it is imperative you contact our office immediately. Working with our coverage partner, Beazley Group, we will start the process in helping you file a claim.


To initiate a claim, please complete the claim report on our Member Reporting Forms page or by clicking HERE.